Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year in the Northbridge Public Schools,
We have been very busy over the last few months running summer school and acceleration academies; cleaning and reorganizing our buildings; redoing the gym floors; hiring new staff; and, conducting training for new mentors, new staff, and the administrative leadership team, to prepare everyone for a fabulous new school year. We have also made some important changes and updates for the 2024-2025 school year.
As you have noticed, we have a new and improved district website and all-call system. We ask that families go to the homepage of the website and download the app/QR code on their phones, so you may receive the most important, relevant and updated information from your child’s school and the district in real time.
We have also updated several of our School Committee policies and procedures, including our Title IX and Non-Discrimination policies and procedures, our Bullying policy and procedures, and our Restraint policy and procedures. (All of which can be found in the School Committee Policy manual, as well as in the District Handbook.)
In addition, we have made updates to the middle and high school Yondr cell phone pouch policy/procedure to reflect new replacement costs. (see MS/HS Appendices of District Handbook)
The district has also developed a new three-year District Strategic Plan for 2024-2027, thanks to the hard work and commitment of many dedicated students, staff, parents, administrators, school committee, and community members who spent several months engrossed in the strategic planning process and work. The new plan is focused on intentional leadership; student voice and choice; and, belonging and connections.
We also developed a new Portrait of an NPS Graduate and Portrait of an NPS Educator, as well as a district mantra for the 2024 school year . . . Be a Good Human!
Finally, we revised and aligned our RAMS logos across all three schools to reflect the traits identified in our new NPS Portrait of a Graduate and Portrait of an Educator. R – Resilient; A – Adaptable; M – Mindful; and, S – Supportive.
We hope that you will work with us as a united and committed NPS team to ensure the goals of our strategic plan live and breathe in all of our buildings, in all of our classrooms, and in each of us, every day.
Yours in education,
Amy B. McKinstry, Superintendent